Successful nominations
Award winners
Each year we usually have approximately twenty award winners.
Every successful candidates will receive a formal letter of congratulations.
We will contact everyone concerning their nominations before the end of November.
We will check a few details with the winners before we send their trophy through the post with a congratulatory letter written by HRH.
HRH will make a short video clip which can be downloaded from our web site and could be used at a local or virtual ceremony arranged to suit the successful candidate's circumstances.
You will be invited to join a webinar group of award winners to discuss your project.
Over the years Prince Michael has always been keen to present his awards in person and has done so in many countries across the world. He has also invited winners to a ceremony held each year in London to celebrate their success and to provide an opportunity for them to meet each other and others who play important roles in road safety.
This year due to likely travel restrictions it will not be possible to hold a ceremony in London.
Press release
All press releases need to be sanctioned by us. Please send us your draft press release and, after checking it, we will add a quote, our notes to editors and then issue it using our network to coincide with your own publishing arrangements. An excellent example can be found here.
Your plaque
The trophies are plaques made from clear acrylic with the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award logo embedded within, measuring 150cmsx230cms. Yours will be engraved with the name of your scheme or your nomination, and the year. If you require replica plaques these can be purchased at a cost of £250 each plus VAT from
Using our logo
As an award winner you are entitled to use our logo on items connected with your winning scheme such as literature or advertising. Please contact and we will send you the logo.
Pin badges
You are also entitled to wear a small pin badge with our logo on. We will send a few pins with your plaque.