Gloucestershire County Council – Britain's most improved road
HRH’s award recognises those authorities that continue to tackle road safety in a systematic and proactive manner.
Since 2002, the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) has been mapping the rate of death and serious injury on Britain’s roads annually applying the protocols developed through the European and International Road Assessment Programmes (EuroRAP in Europe). During this time improvements have been tracked; particularly progress in eliminating very high-risk road sections.
During the last year there have been some encouraging developments from Highways England across the Strategic Road Network, and DfT’s Safer Roads Fund.
The most improved road in 2017 is the A4151between Elton Corner A48 and Steam Mills A4136 in Gloucestershire.
Between 2010 and 2012 there were 8 crashes that caused death or serious injury which between 2013 and 2015 reduced significantly to 1 crash. The route has experienced an 87% reduction in fatal and serious crashes between the two periods compared to a 4% reduction on the GB EuroRAP network as a whole.