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Cambodia National Road Safety Committee – Raising road safety awareness through education and enforcement

Safer Road Users, 2016

The National Road Safety Committee plays a critical role leading and coordinating innovative, collaborative efforts across government, NGOs and private sector to improve road safety in Cambodia. It recently led the introduction of a new traffic law requiring for the first time that passengers - in addition to drivers - to wear helmets on motorcycles.

Legislative change has been reinforced through awareness raising, education and enforcement, addressing key risks and resulting in increased helmet use, safer road user behaviour and less fatalities. These objectives align with the Cambodian Government’s aim to reduce fatalities by 50% by 2020 as part of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, and promote safety, wellbeing and poverty alleviation for their citizens. To achieve this target head injuries must be prevented by increasing helmet use to save 3,950 lives by 2020.