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Carrot Risk Technologies Ltd – The i-box

Safer Road Users, 2015

Carrot is a telematics product which takes a slightly different approach. It uses a black box rather than a mobile phone, but emphasises real-time contact with customers and a web-based coaching service.

Drawing on the impressive technology innovations from sister company Trak Global, Carrot Insurance created its own bespoke telematics ‘black box’ – the i-box. The “i-box” can detect if a policyholder experiences a suspected crash, and alert customer service team. This allows Carrot to take immediate control of the situation and help the policyholder directly, or via the emergency services.

The i-box offers the most comprehensive analysis of driver behaviour data, enabling Carrot to translate this data into a ‘Driving Style score’ that is shared with the policyholder. This in turn equates to tangible cash rewards that resonate with the target age group and motivate behavioural change – as the name suggests, it’s about ‘carrot’ rather than stick, and we literally pay our young drivers to say safe.