TeamAlert – Educational road safety projects
TeamAlert is based on peer education it is a youth-led non-governmental not-for-profit organization which develops and delivers various educational road safety projects for young road users (age 12-24 years).
Each project is based on scientific behavioural change techniques and evaluated following the PDCA-method. Effects on knowledge, attitude, intention and behaviour are monitored through impact studies. These studies have shown positive outcomes on the road safety knowledge of young people and their intentional behaviour. Last year 16 different road safety projects and campaigns reached directly (one-on-one) 128,000 youth.
Youth involvement is seen as an integral part of the road safety solution in the Netherlands. For over a decade TeamAlert has been partly funded by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and is seen as the most important partner of the Dutch government in spreading road safety awareness among young road users. Peer education is the organizations’ core principal. The 80 educational staff members are all young people, as well as the 20 young professionals who work behind the scenes to develop and research the projects. The organizational average age is 25 years.