Buckinghamshire County Council – A404 - most improved route
For nearly a decade, Britain has been among path finding nations in seeking to measure systematically the risk posed to road users from road infrastructure. Since 2002, the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) has been mapping the rate of death and serious injury on Britain’s roads through the European Road Assessment Programme (EuroRAP).
During this time improvements have been systematically tracked and now each year an award is recommended for Britain’s most improved road. In 2013 – 2014 the roads authority responsible the country’s greatest improvement is Buckinghamshire County Coucil.
The most improved route is the A404 between the A413 in Amersham and junction 18 of the M25. Between 2007 and 2009 the route had 12 crashes that caused death or serious injury but between 2010 and 2012 this had been reduced to 1. In terms of risk measurement this moved the route from a medium-high risk route to a low risk route: a risk-rate that is less than the average risk on our safest roads – the motorways.
Measures undertaken to achieve this included:
• Between 2007 and 2010 all of the traffic island bollards were replaced with reflective bollards
• A404 White Lion Road was resurfaced in April 2012 between junctions. All road markings and cats eyes were renewed at the same time.
• High Friction Surfacing at the junction with Bell Lane was renewed in April 2012.
• In 2012 night time street lighting patrols were introduced.
• A county-wide speed review was undertaken between 2003 and 2013. An existing 40mph speed limit was reduced to 30 mph along two sections.
• Vehicle activated signs were installed for a few weeks to advise and remind drivers of the new 30mph speed limit.