Northern Constabulary, Grampian Police, MFR, Northsound, Diageo – Winter Safe Journey Campaign
A multi-agency team consisting of Northern Constabulary, Grampian Police, MFR, Northsound and sponsors Diageo will be presented with a prestigious Prince Michael Road Safety Award for their commitment to road safety at the Road Safety Scotland Seminar this week.
The team has been working on the Winter Safe Journey Campaign for the past four years, the objective of which is to promote, educate and inform road users within the Highlands, Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City of key messages including:
responsible drinking,
winter safety vehicle maintenance and
driving under the influence of alcohol
The campaign created a unique partnership which reaches a large number of people in both force areas. The challenge for the multi-agency team was to develop ideas to stimulate people’s interest, allowing the group to combine education and enforcement elements in a distinct and off-beat way, and more importantly, resisting the temptation to resort to routine “Police-speak.”
One of the key elements of this year’s campaign (2011/12) was the promotion via these social networking sites, with teaser trailers for the campaign broadcast across Twitter and Facebook and linking into Northern Constabulary’s YouTube channel. The videos were conceived and produced in house by the Northern Constabulary Corporate Communications team and highlighted the winter safety checks which were available from the AA at local road shows.