Georgian Partnership – Partnership for Road Safety
The Partnership for Road Safety is a non-profit organization that promotes road safety through education and advocacy in Georgia. The goal of the Partnership is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on Georgian roads. During the last seven years, it has successfully established partnerships with the government, private sector, civil society, and media. The organization has played a key role in the improvement of road safety legislation and the development of a road safety culture in Georgia.
Its efforts have contributed to a measurable reduction in road fatalities and impressive increases in the use of seat belts and other protections. In June 2011, as a result of a new law, 98% of drivers and 97% of front passengers on the highways were recorded using seat belts. In the capital city Tbilisi, the figure rose to 95% compared to just 1% previously. This has contributed to the decline of fatalities in Georgia from 867 in 2008 to 526 in 2011.