Land Transport Authority and Traffic Police Department – Road safety management in Singapore
In Singapore, road safety management is the joint responsibility of two government agencies namely, Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Traffic Police Department (TP). While LTA provides road related facilities for road users and ensures the safety of vehicles, TP is responsible for enforcement of traffic regulations, and road safety public education. The close partnership between LTA and TP has played a pivotal role in creating a world class road transport infrastructure that provides a safe and pleasant experience for all road users.
Singapore roads are now among the safest in the world. Overall fatal and serious injury road accidents in 2006 fell by 45% compared to 1997 despite a corresponding increase in road length and vehicle population by 8% and 18% respectively. Road accident fatality rates per 10,000 vehicles and per 100,000 populations have dropped significantly by 39%, from 3.8 and 6.9 in 1997, to 2.3 and 4.2 in 2006. This compares favorably with other developed cities such as Seoul, Kyoto, and Washington. In 1998, LTA set up a dedicated unit, Road Safety Engineering Unit (RSEU), to implement the world’s best practices on road safety management. RSEU adopts 3 main strategies, namely proactive measures, reactive measures, and research efforts, in 7 core areas, of which Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP) is a multi-agency effort, to enhance road safety in Singapore. All the initiatives and programmes in the 7 core areas are crucial in enhancing road safety.