Highways Agency – Strategic Safety Action Plan
The Strategic Safety Action Plan published in 2005 sets out how the Agency is working to meet its target of reducing the number of people killed or seriously injured on England’s motorways and major A Roads.
HA has made significant progress in reducing its casualty rate of Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) by 33%, but acknowledges that only about a third of this target can be achieved through traditional engineering methods. The remainder will have to be accomplished through advanced technology, innovation and in a new area for the HA - driver education. New approaches were needed including increased emphasis on information and education as well as closer working with partners. The SSAP sets out how and what the HA will do over the next 5 years.
The SSAP is divided into 23 Key Actions. One of these the Area Safety Action Plans and the driver education programmes have enabled a step change in the approach that Area Peformance Teams (APT’s) adopt to reduce casualties.