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TNT Express and BT with IDS

Occupational Road Safety, 2004

TNT Express is a business to business provider of on demand collection and time sensitive delivery. Globally TNT Express employs 40,000 people.


Interactive Driving System (IDS) is a research-led internet driven provider of global fleet risk management solutions from offices in the UK , USA , Australia and Belgium.

TNT Express and IDS have worked together to develop and evolve the tailored internet-based program of driver assessment (RoadRISK), training (One More Second), feedback and monitoring (Management Information).

BT has a pp roximately 47,000 cars and light commercial vehicles. A further 30,000 BT staff may be called upon to drive their own vehicles for work.

BT and IDS have undertaken a range of initiatives on fleet safety, based on the Haddon Matrix framework of management culture, journeys, road/site environment, people, vehicles and society/community. Central to success has been the internet-based program of driver assessment, training and monitoring for BT drivers - called ‘Starting Point’ and ‘One More Second’.

Contact: Will Murray, 07713 415454.