TRL - Pioneering Road Safety Work in Developing Countries
TRL leads the way on road safety research in developing countries and has done so for nearly three decades. As a result of this work, road safety is now recognised as one of the major issues facing developing countries, from being a largely neglected subject two or three decades ago. This recognition is now focussing action and support to tackle the toll of nearly one million deaths per annum world-wide. Besides exposing the problem and providing a comprehensive understanding of its nature, TRL has developed practices - by education, operations, and engineering - to save unnecessary loss of life and the associated financial damage. There is still an enormous task ahead; but as a result of their pioneering work, and ongoing future research, development, and advisory programmes, the TRL teams have brought about a sea-change in how developing countries are able to address the problem, and in the actions of the agencies of the developed countries that support them.
Contact: Rod Kimber 01344 773131