On two Wheels
'On Two Wheels' has been developed as part of a partnership between UK Youth and the Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCI) and addresses the issues of road safety and responsible road use with young people aged 14 and over.
The Energisers Project has played an important role in raising the awareness of the 'On Two Wheels' programme, particularly with those who would not necessarily have considered using road safety as a medium for youth work. Energisers have been successful in introducing the concept of On Two Wheels to youth clubs, and many organisations that support young people in making career and life choices.
The UK Youth Energisers Project is primary funded through the National Lottery Charities Board and provides for twelve 'Training Energisers'. One of the key roles of the 'Energisers' is to promote good quality youth work and widen access to learning and training opportunities for young people and those who work with them.
Contact: Graham Lloyd, UK Youth, 020 72424045.
http:// www.youthclubs.org.uk
UK Youth On Two Wheels was presented with the Motorcycle Industry Award (sponsored by the Motorcycle Industry Association) in 2000.