The National Road Safety Partnership Program Australia
The National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP), delivered in partnership with the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) is an industry-led government funded program which assists organisations to reduce workplace road trauma among their workforces and the broader community. The program has developed over 400 evidence based resources in collaboration with its diverse partnership base, which are made globally available at no expense through its website. A recent survey of its 275 partners found that 27% of those responding reported improvements in workplace road safety while 50% reported improved safety culture.
The NRSPP was initially launched by HRH Prince Michael of Kent on the 5 May in 2014 in Melbourne as part of the Decade of Action Policy and Donor Forum.
In his letter to the NRSPP’s Independent Chair, Professor Barry Watson, HRH Prince Michael of Kent recalled the launch and noted his delight in being able to present the NRSPP with his award in recognition of its innovation and outstanding achievements in improving workplace road safety.
The HRH Prince Michael of Kent noted the importance of the NRSPP in its efforts to ensure the safe use of vehicles by those who drive for work purposes and the sharing of good practice through creating partnerships across industry, government and the academic sectors.