Safe Mobility Coalition - Mexico
The Coalition Safe Mobility brings together 70 organizations, specialists, and victims' families throughout Mexico, creating a strong citizen’s task force through advocacy, technical work, and communication. The Coalition advocated for the recognition of the right to mobility in the Constitution, and for the unanimous approval of the first Mexican Law on Mobility and Road Safety. The Coalition´s technical team drafted a bill elaborated in a collaborative way, presented by a senator, and was the basis of the Law approved.
In Mexico, 16,000 people die each year due to lack of road safety and there are no mechanisms of coordination between different levels of government. Since 2014, the Safe Mobility Coalition has promoted the approval of the Law on Mobility and Road Safety and in 2020 convened working groups with specialists from all sectors to provide feedback on the bill drafted by the Coalition, and advocated for its approval.
The objective was to guarantee that the law included a safe system approach. The Coalition managed to include regulation of all risk factors, now a mandatory minimum floor at the national level: speed limits of 30km/h on secondary and 50km/h on primary streets; prohibition of driving with a blood alcohol level higher than 0.25mg/L; safe vehicles; mandatory helmet use for motorcycle drivers and use of child restraint systems. The Law was published in April 2021, and approval was unanimous.