Luchemos por la Vida and Madres del Dolor:
The joint work experience of two NGOs in Argentina to achieve “Safer Roads” at a national level by promoting: maximum speed 30 on city streets.
Luchemos por la Vida in association with Madres del Dolor, assumed the promotion of the 6th Global Road Safety Week, #StreetsforLife, in 2021, proposed by the UN, and its main objective: to reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h on the streets, to diminish deaths and generate safer, greener and more livable cities in Argentina. For this purpose the NGO'S carried out an intense activity with very important achievements and the commitments of many cities all over the country.
On the occasion of the 6th Global Road Safety Week, #StreetsforLife, promoted by the United Nations from May 17 to 23, 2021, Luchemos por la Vida in association with Madres del Dolor, assumed the promotion of this week and its main objective, to reduce the speed to 30 km/h on the streets, to reduce deaths and generate safer, greener and more livable cities . It began with the City of Buenos Aires and the Municipality of San Isidro (a suburb in the province of Buenos Aires), and the enormous interest aroused motivated the organizations to spread the proposal throughout the country. The successful response received by 22 cities, prompted Luchemos and Madres to continue holding meetings and disseminating the topic throughout 2021 and 2022, expanding the goal to new cities, provincial authorities and the National Congress.