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Latin America NGOs unify to strengthen advocacy

31 August 2022

The 51 members of Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety in 15 countries in Latin America launched a new regional chapter to unify and strengthen their advocacy and influence to save lives across the continent.

Last year, the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030  highlights the essential role of civil society in achieving this ambitious target. NGOs play a pivotal role in promoting, advocating, and achieving the adoption of proven measures toward the 2030 target. In recent months, NGO advocacy has contributed to significant legislative wins in Mexico and Colombia and the development of national road safety strategies with aggressive fatality and injury reduction targets in Ecuador and Colombia.

The Latin America Chapter will be a platform of support to strengthen and unite NGOs in the region working on road safety, mobility, and with road victims; recognizing synergies between countries and leveraging NGOs’ joint strength and experience to stronger, further-reaching advocacy wins. Together they will keep their governments accountable for their global, regional, and in-country commitments, including the 2030 target, and keep road safety on the agenda until every person in Latin America is guaranteed — through commitment and action — their right to safe mobility.