Chevron Support for Walk-Wise
From 2011-2020, Chevron played an integral role in protecting vulnerable young road users in rural communities across Chongqing Municipality and Sichuan Province, China through its support of the comprehensive Walk Wise program . Implemented in partnership with AIP Foundation, Walk Wise integrated comprehensive road safety education to primary and secondary school students; investments in school zone infrastructure; media and in-person public awareness campaigns; and government capacity-building to improve local ownership of community road safety.
The Walk Wise program aims to reduce road crash injuries and fatalities by implementing a comprehensive and mutually reinforcing set of interventions to protect vulnerable children and road users. The objectives of this program included:
• improving the road safety knowledge and behaviors of students through school-based education, extracurricular activities, and the development of a localized e-curriculum;
• increasing community awareness by working with local media and traffic police to disseminate road safety messages via community events and traditional/online media;
• installing low-cost and sustainable road modifications around school zones – such as traffic signs, zebra crossings, and road barriers – to protect pedestrians and drivers; • building the capacity of government stakeholders through workshops, demonstrations, and site visits to increase local ownership and investment in community road safety.