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A Decade of Action for Safer Roads 2011-2020

3 March 2021

One year on from the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, Prince MIchael International Road Safety Award winner iRAP has captured its first Decade impact with an image-rich virtual story - "A World Free of High-Risk Roads: A Decade of Action to Save Lives".

iRAP partnerships with Donors, Development Banks, Governments, Mobility Clubs, NGOs, Industry and Research experts worldwide are now saving lives on a scale that matters. The elimination of high-risk roads and increased travel on 3-star and better roads is making a difference. Lives are being saved. Journeys are being made safer.

iRAP’s Decade of impact has been made possible thanks to the support of our major donor FIA Foundation, FedEx and the amazing work of our more than 15,000 partners across the world