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GRSP – Partnership Model

International Award, 2013

In wining this award, The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) demonstrated over an extended period how its unique partnership model brings together the multiple voices, experiences, expertise and resources of the private sector, public sector and civil society, with singular purpose, to make transport systems safer. GRSP’s model of building multi-sectorial partnerships that meet the social objectives of communities, create stable social and financial environments, and benefit the long-term interests of the business sector shows innovation rarely seen, and most importantly, delivers sustainable impact at the global, regional, national and local levels.
Since establishment in 1999 and now working in 36 countries with the support of an active member base, GRSP has been committed to developing and expanding its partnership model to reduce deaths and serious injuries on the roads:
Since establishment in 1999 and now working in 36 countries with the support of an active member base, GRSP has been committed to developing and expanding its partnership model to reduce deaths and serious injuries on the roads: