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The Road Safety Foundation

Premier Award, 2010

The Prince Michael International Road Safety Premier Award 2010 went to the Road Safety Foundation. The honour was given for the Foundation's significant role in establishing a respected, systematic method of assessing roads and helping the authorities make our roads safe.

It was Britain’s first NGO to promote road safety management as a single system focusing on roads, vehicles and driver behaviour together, which, significantly, is now an international norm.

The Foundation is also the organisation behind the award winning European Road Assessment Programme (EuroRAP). Through EuroRAP, it produced the first map of deaths and serious injuries by parliamentary constituency in the UK.

This, for the first time, gave all road authorities in the UK clear information on problems in their networks. It also made every MP aware of the risks in their area.

The International Roads Assessment Programme (iRAP) developed from EuroRAP. Similarly, iRAP maps road risk for states and nations, and it will play a major role in the Decade of Action for Road Safety.