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IRF Presents 2018 Global Road Safety Award to Highways England

1 June 2018

The International Road Federation (IRF Global) has given its prestigious annual safety accolade - known as the 'Find a Way' award - to Highways England, a government-owned company charged with operating, maintaining and improving England's motorways and major A roads.

The 'Find a Way' was instituted as part of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety by IRF Chairman Eng. Abdullah Al-Mogbel in recognition of the value of political leadership in driving road traffic injury reduction strategies. Every year, the Award distinguishes outstanding commitment to safer roads by a local or national government on the anniversary of the launch of the Decade of Action.

"This year's award gives special attention to efforts undertaken by the public sector to protect staff and motorists in road work zones, currently responsible for hundreds of thousands of injuries and thousands of deaths worldwide", said IRF President & CEO C. Patrick Sankey. "The guidelines and contractor oversight practices established by Highways England to eradicate danger on road construction sites are widely praised for their results, and are an inspiration for road agencies worldwide".

Receiving the award for Highways England, Richard Leonard, Head of Road Safety, Safety Engineering & Standards noted "At Highways England we believe passionately in the safety of everyone using our roads and although they are among the safest in the world we are always working hard to improve them. We have a long term goal that no-one should be harmed while travelling or working on our network and are working with others on innovative ideas to achieve that. We are delighted the International Road Federation has recognized our work to date and we look forward to continued collaboration with partners across the world to further improve safety for all."
